Thursday, January 15, 2009


Copy and paste the quiz to your blog and then fill in your own answers!It's fun!

Five names you go by:1) Samantha
2) Sam
3) Babe
4)Amanda (remember I work at a State Hospital)
5)Sabrina (see above ;)

Three things you are wearing right now:1) pants
2) shirt
3) wedding ring
Two things you want very badly at the moment: 1) to know what to do!
2) a different work schedule for my husband!
Three people who may fill this out: (I'm hoping everyone will)1) Kurt and Julie
2) Liza
3) ?
Two things you did last night:1) Went bowling
2) taught violin lessons
Two things you ate today:1) blueberry muffin
2) grilled chicken salad
People you last talked to on the phone:1) Jeremy
2) Pat or whoever the switch board opperator was...pretty sure it was him
Two things you are going to do (or already did) today:1) Work on progress notes
2) make chili
Two of the longest road trips:1) The pay it forward tour north dakota to DC
2) shelley to Grand forks North Dakota in one day
Three of your favorite beverages:1) Water
2) Jamba or any type of smoothie
3) Dr. Pepper

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