I have been slacking on my posts because it has been a wild and crazy month. A few weeks ago I made a trip to Idaho to see my friend Melanie while she and her family were on spring break. While I was there my sister Mollie and I decided to go for lunch and hair cuts. I decided that it was time for a change so I chopped most of my hair off. I love my new hair cut and I love having low maintenance short hair. I am going to get it trimmed up though because I want the back to be a little shorter. I had a good time with friends and family on the trip and even managed to be on good roads for the trip.
Last month my sister Shanon decided to get married. So Jeremy and I attended that at the courthouse.
In the last week my Grandpa Wilmot passed away and we had to go to Idaho for the funeral. We also lost one of our clients that Jeremy and I were both close to so it has been a difficult week for us. The funeral was nice, and it was great to see family that I don't get to see very often. Aunt Debbie and Uncle LaVar came from Washington which was nice because I haven't seen them in about 10 years. I also got to see some cousins that live quite a ways a way. And it was nice to take a trip even though it was really rushed and obviously not under the best cercumstances.
So overall we have had a real long tough month but I am hoping for April to be nice and boring.
OMAGOSH! I love it Sam! Of course anything you do would look great on you! I think your smile totally makes any look you might have. Good to see your still out there!!