OK so to echo my last post I don't post often enough. The problem this time is that I have had a ton to post about and I just have never gotten around to it. I think my procrastination is a disability.
At the end of May I competed in the Mrs. Wyoming Pageant. This is the photo that I used for my program picture. Jeremy took it for me and I have to say he has a pretty good eye for photography.
The pageant was awesome. I didn't make the top 10 but one of the girls that I became friends with did make it. I was really excited for her. I had a great time doing the pageant. I met a lot of great girls there and had so much fun. We got to do some "dancing" and learning the walking and the "snaking" and the waving and the posing was awesome. The other photos are me in my interview suit and a bunch of us with the reigning Queen Joanna.

On our way home from Cheyenne we went the long way through Casper intending to see Jeremy's sister Michelle. But after we got to Casper we found out that she was out of town. So we walked around the mall for a while, bought some new curtains, got a hotel room and did some swimming in the pool. Then the next day we went to Independence Rock and Martins Cove. I was a wimp and didn't climb to the top of Independence Rock but we got part way up before I chickened out. I just didn't think I could make it. At Martins Cove we walked up to the Cove and neither of us are sure where they camped 500 people. But it was kind of a cool experience even if we did get sunburned.
So after that we had a pretty quiet month of June. Jeremy went camping with Brian on what was supposed to be a 3 day trip but they got rained out on the second day. Jeremy is proud of himself though, and he should be, because he boiled some water Les Stroud style. For anyone who doesn't know Les Stroud is a survival expert that has a TV show, I think its called Survivor Man. Anyway regardless of what the show is called Les showed his viewers on one episode how to boil water in a plastic water bottle like you by from the store. So Jeremy rigged up his water bottle over the fire and within just a little while he had water hot enough to make coffee.
Over the July 4th weekend my parents and brother and sister came to Evanston to help us put up a fence. The bad news here is that we didn't get the whole fence put up that weekend. We are still working on it but we are pretty close to being done. The front yard has a chain link fence and the back is a wood privacy fence. We are looking forward to having our whole yard fenced and then we can start working on making it a yard and not a weeks patch.
And finally we are going to Jamaica in September for our anniversary. We are very excited. We have less then 8 weeks left. We can't wait to sit on the beach and just do nothing for a few days.
Ok, I think I have caught up, and I will try to keep caught up but no promises.
Love the model pose. I am glad to hear you had fun with the pageant. I wouldn't have, I really hate girls. Your not a girl, your Samantha and that's much better because I can call you Sam and it makes you sound more non girlish.
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous! You are beautiful and have perfect legs! Get to travel and go to Jamaica! Good luck with that fence and say hi to your family for me.
ReplyDeleteSamantha, you look great! Have SO, so much fun in Jamaica!