Sunday, August 5, 2012


Well, I am officially no good at blogging.  I never remember to log in and post so it has been months.  But there is a lot going on at our house so I thought that I would log in and update everyone.

For anyone that doesn't know we are moving to Blackfoot Idaho in 10 days.  I was able to find a new job there that is pretty much my dream job and it is definitely an improvement over my current job.  Jeremy is so far unemployed but he has put in several applications and has some exciting possibilities ahead of him.

My job is working at Camp Hippo which is a therapist owned pediatric outpatient clinic.  I will be working with kids from about 1 to 14ish with all different types of disabilities including learning and behavior problems.  The clinic is just amazing and has a regular style clinic with swings, tables, chairs, regular pediatric clinic stuff, but it also has an indoor and outdoor riding arena for hippo-therapy as well as a rock climbing wall and during the summer time an outdoor swimming pool.  I am very excited about my new adventure and this opportunity to work in pediatrics (which for those of you who don't know its kinda been a career long dream).

As I said before Jeremy doesn't have a job yet but is looking is several different areas and we are hopeful that he will have some call backs on at least two of the jobs by the end of the week.

Another dream is being realized for us with this move.  We have always wanted to have a place where we could raise some animals and maybe have a horse or two.  Since we were having to move and get a new house we decided to try and fulfill that dream.  After looking at a few different options in the area we found our dream home just south west of Blackfoot.  It is a three bedroom home on 8 acres and has so much character.  After we get moved in and settled I will post pictures on here.
Well, I think that is a good update from us for now.  Hopefully I will post more often over the next few months to keep everyone updated on how the move goes and what we get settled into.

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