Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Don't throw big words around

I have been upset about something I read for a few days now and I decided I needed to voice my concern.

I read a post about a "Special Needs" group.  I won't expand on where this group was at or who they were affiliated with because that would get me on a soap box that I don't want to be on right now.  Right now I'm on a different soap box.

The description of the group of "special needs" people said that individuals included in the group had Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Bipolar.   EXCUSE ME?  Bipolar?  I AM NOT SPECIAL NEEDS!!!!  I don't think I can stress this point enough.  I myself, and several of my bipolar friends are perfectly functional.  You couldn't pick us out in a crowd.  And I mean that.  We are no different then anyone else.  Yes I take medication that others don't but that's about the only difference between me and you on a functional level.

I work with "special needs" kids and they are some of the sweetest individuals I have ever met.  I get wonderful loving hugs and smiles from them that brighten my day.  I in no way look down on people who are special needs.  I think its great when they are loved and supported enough to go on to live out their dreams such as graduating, going on to other training such as college or technical training, living on their own or holding down a job.  But to me "special needs" means you have a special need.  You need that extra support to help make the meals, or a job coach to remind you where to put the items you are stocking, or extreme amounts of physical support.  And to be completely honest I know people who would be considered "special needs" that I don't consider "special needs".  Every one is different and has different needs and skills.
I won't lie.  I was pretty upset when I read this post.  I think it is horrible that a group was made just for "special needs" individuals when this organization has TONS of other groups.  Why can't the "special needs" individuals be mainstreamed into the already existing groups?  Why do they have to be put in their own category.  Yes some of them may need supports that those in the other groups don't need but do they really need to be put in their own category.

We have had the discussion at work that most people be they "special needs" or not will live up to the expectations given of them.  If you separate out all the "special needs" and give them their own set of expectations that's where they will function.  If you put people of all functional levels together and hold a reasonable standard of expectations for them they will all rise as close to those expectations as possible.  Now I know that not everyone can achieve the same things but we can all be successful in our own way.  And you never know how successful you can be until you are pushed to your limits.

But back to the bipolar thing. Mental illness is a real thing.  I don't want anyone here to think that I am trying to say that having Bipolar isn't difficult at times.  Do I have struggles specific to being Bipolar?  Sure, but everyone has their own struggles that they deal with behind closed doors whether they have a mental illness or not.  As I have said before my "mental illness" makes me unique not sick.  Not "special needs".  I am Special!  I love to see myself as special, unique, awesome!  And I am different, but in a good way, not in a "needs" way.

So the next time you think about classifying someone, or you hear someone being classified think twice.  Just because someone has an "illness" doesn't mean they are sick or different or special needs.  It is just a part of them.  

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