I really need to post more often. However, I feel like we don't have anything fun and interesting to post. We have not gotten anymore work done on the house although I am hoping to get the kitchen finished by the end of this month.
Our yard has fallen victim to the hot summer days and doesn't look real great any more. I am hoping next year is the year for our yard.
I am going to make this post short and sweet so that SaraKay can't say that I don't post but so that I don't bore anyone with the mundane details of our lives.
I have no idea what we have to say but I think it will be fun to have a blog so maybe we can stay in better touch wih our friends. And it give us a chance to rant, rave, talk about random rediculous things and carry on.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Good news from the Hill house
July ended up being a really good month for us. We got the cement gutter removed from the middle of our yard. I just have to brag about my husband on this one because he was a trooper. He and Justin took sledge hammers and crow bars and removed that whole gutter that way. I just helped load it and I was tired. Jeremy is an amazingly strong and dedicated hard worker. I love him so much.
In other July news Jeremy finally got a shift change. He still has Tuesday and Wednesday off but he now works the 7-1530 shift which is great because we can be home together at night. So far we have taken advantage of the situation by cooking several suppers together, going to the rec center for workouts and just spending time together. It has been great. Jeremy is still a security officer but he is also now a trainer at work and is currently doing training classess on seclution and restraint. He has really taken this seriously and has been doing lots of research and learning on the topic. I am so proud of his dedication.
Well that is pretty much the best update I have. We are still working on the kitchen although it is almost done. Our yard has really gotten put on the back burner this summer but I'm hoping as fall comes we can get that looking better and get some new grass growing where the gutter used to be.
In other July news Jeremy finally got a shift change. He still has Tuesday and Wednesday off but he now works the 7-1530 shift which is great because we can be home together at night. So far we have taken advantage of the situation by cooking several suppers together, going to the rec center for workouts and just spending time together. It has been great. Jeremy is still a security officer but he is also now a trainer at work and is currently doing training classess on seclution and restraint. He has really taken this seriously and has been doing lots of research and learning on the topic. I am so proud of his dedication.
Well that is pretty much the best update I have. We are still working on the kitchen although it is almost done. Our yard has really gotten put on the back burner this summer but I'm hoping as fall comes we can get that looking better and get some new grass growing where the gutter used to be.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Big Hole!
So yesterday I was home alone after Jeremy headed of to work. I heard this noise that sounded kind of like something falling off of a shelf. Knowing how naughty my beagle can be and knowing that he had recently been in the bedroom I figured that he had dislodged something and it had picked this moment to come crashing down. So I went in the bedroom but found nothing out of place. Then there came the big crash and honestly I was a little on the freaking out side. Because now that I was back in the back of the house I could tell it was coming from the spare bedroom and I had no idea why there would be anything crashing in there. As I'm sure my friends can imagine the worst was going through my head. I was thinking of this scary theif coming in the window and being ready to hurt me. So I opened the door and found not a scary man but a hole in our ceiling. Which was almost as bad. So apparently we had a leak in our roof which made our sheet rock and insulation wet and it caved in. Were it not for the tar paper under our shingles we could see day light because the roof boards are seperating. In the next few days the insurance adjuster will come and then deside what needs to be done. For now I'm keeping the door shut and trying not to stress out about it. Jeremy came home from work when I found the hole and helped me to make sure it wasn't likely to spread any farther. Hopefully no more rain for a while so that we can keep our insulation dry and our hole the same size.
There really isn't anything else major going on in our lives right now. I went to my sisters open house on Saturday and it was nice. Her husbands immediate family all came and my family was all there. My mom did a really nice job on getting every thing pulled together! It was beautiful. I also picked up the beef we bought from Dev and Becky and we are so happy to have it. We are going to have rib eye steaks for supper tomorrow night. I can't wait.
Ok, now that I have bored everyone with the mundane details I'm going to bed because I'm an old lady and I get tired early and I had a long day at work.
Happy Summer Solstice Everyone!!!!
There really isn't anything else major going on in our lives right now. I went to my sisters open house on Saturday and it was nice. Her husbands immediate family all came and my family was all there. My mom did a really nice job on getting every thing pulled together! It was beautiful. I also picked up the beef we bought from Dev and Becky and we are so happy to have it. We are going to have rib eye steaks for supper tomorrow night. I can't wait.
Ok, now that I have bored everyone with the mundane details I'm going to bed because I'm an old lady and I get tired early and I had a long day at work.
Happy Summer Solstice Everyone!!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
May....what a month!
So I have totally slacked off over this month, at least on blogging. First of all we painted the second half of our kitchen and will be putting up all the trim hopefully this week some time. For those of you who I haven't bombarded with information about my kitchen that I am so excited about we painted the dining room half blue. Now a few weeks ago we painted the kitchen side a nice buttercup yellow. All the trim is white and it looks so good. I can't wait for it all to be done. I am hoping to sand and paint the cupboards within the next few weeks and then everything will be done in that room and I can move on to the next room.
We have also been working hard in our yard. The road ran through the yard at one time so we have been pampering some grass seed so that we can have more then weeds in our front yard. We have little tufts of grass coming up now and we are very hopeful that they will grow up to be a strong healthy yard of grass. Because of the road issue we also have a gutter running through our yard. Jeremy did lots of hard work on removing it on Saturday but we still have so much to do. But it wasn't just Jeremy, I was also weilding the sledge hammer and busting up my fair share of concrete.
And more concrete removal has been taking place in our front yard. Our sidewalk is really busted up so I have decided to remove it and replace it with stepping stones and stepables. I have a plan in my mind as to what its all going to look like and its going to be great. Besides that it gives me a project to work on that motivates me and keeps me outside. Which is a good thing because most recently the doctor told me it would be good for me to get lots of sun as long as I wear sun screen. And it feels good to have a project that I am excited about. I also have the garden started. I will be planting the corn on Wednesday and then everything will be in and hopefully headed toward a very plentiful harvest.
OK, so I'm sure I have missed lots of information but I just can't think of anything else that is worth your reading. And hopefully this month I will remember to write more then once at the end of the month.
We have also been working hard in our yard. The road ran through the yard at one time so we have been pampering some grass seed so that we can have more then weeds in our front yard. We have little tufts of grass coming up now and we are very hopeful that they will grow up to be a strong healthy yard of grass. Because of the road issue we also have a gutter running through our yard. Jeremy did lots of hard work on removing it on Saturday but we still have so much to do. But it wasn't just Jeremy, I was also weilding the sledge hammer and busting up my fair share of concrete.
And more concrete removal has been taking place in our front yard. Our sidewalk is really busted up so I have decided to remove it and replace it with stepping stones and stepables. I have a plan in my mind as to what its all going to look like and its going to be great. Besides that it gives me a project to work on that motivates me and keeps me outside. Which is a good thing because most recently the doctor told me it would be good for me to get lots of sun as long as I wear sun screen. And it feels good to have a project that I am excited about. I also have the garden started. I will be planting the corn on Wednesday and then everything will be in and hopefully headed toward a very plentiful harvest.
OK, so I'm sure I have missed lots of information but I just can't think of anything else that is worth your reading. And hopefully this month I will remember to write more then once at the end of the month.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Trip to Zion
Well, for once something is actually going on here. Jeremy and I just got back from vacation this past week. We went camping down at Zion national Park. It was amazing down there. It is absolutely beautiful, the weather was all warm and sunny, and the hiking and camping were completely awsome! We started out the trip by riding up the canyon on the shuttle bus and seeing the basic sights. On our first full day there we hiked up to a ridge called Angels Landing. It was absolutely beautiful. Part of the hike includes 22 switchbacks called Walters Wiggles. Its not the best picture but each of those brick walls is the base of one of the switchbacks. Once you get up toward the top you are on a fairly narrow ridge holding on to a safety chain. You can pretty much see the whole park and it is absolutely beautiful. That was the only hike we did that day as it took a long time and was awfully hot coming back down the mountain. The next day we were able to hike to the mouth of the narrows and then we hiked to the weeping rock. There are also the emerald pools which is a three loop hike. We only hiked to the first pool because it was getting late but it was absolutely beautiful. I don't know why but all the pictures I put up decided to go to the top of the blog. I was going to add more pictures but I don't want them all bunching up up there so I will try to figure out how to add them in another post.
Other then vacation not much has changed here. Jeremy and I are both still working hard. I am getting ready to go on a trip to drop a client off at a new placement. It should be a good time as I get to go with my friend Marie. Then we will do some PR at nursing homes along the way. Jeremy will be here holding the fort down with the dogs. I'm sure they will take good care of him.
Well, now that I've shared all the excitement in our lives I guess I will go pack for my trip!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Crazy Month

I have been slacking on my posts because it has been a wild and crazy month. A few weeks ago I made a trip to Idaho to see my friend Melanie while she and her family were on spring break. While I was there my sister Mollie and I decided to go for lunch and hair cuts. I decided that it was time for a change so I chopped most of my hair off. I love my new hair cut and I love having low maintenance short hair. I am going to get it trimmed up though because I want the back to be a little shorter. I had a good time with friends and family on the trip and even managed to be on good roads for the trip.
Last month my sister Shanon decided to get married. So Jeremy and I attended that at the courthouse.
In the last week my Grandpa Wilmot passed away and we had to go to Idaho for the funeral. We also lost one of our clients that Jeremy and I were both close to so it has been a difficult week for us. The funeral was nice, and it was great to see family that I don't get to see very often. Aunt Debbie and Uncle LaVar came from Washington which was nice because I haven't seen them in about 10 years. I also got to see some cousins that live quite a ways a way. And it was nice to take a trip even though it was really rushed and obviously not under the best cercumstances.
So overall we have had a real long tough month but I am hoping for April to be nice and boring.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Working on making a beautiful kitchen
For anyone who has not been to our house I will quickly explain our kitchen. Jeremy built a wall between the kitchen and the living room before I ever met him. The living room side looks really nice. Up until a week ago though the kitchen side of the wall was still drywall, mud and tape. vvvv( this was from the assistance of our beagle Copper) Anyway back to the kitchen I did not love the drywall. So the other day, needing to work out some frustration, I sanded and primed the wall.
I am quite proud of myself because I have never done anything like that before and it looked pretty darn good. So the next step was texture which I also did with the assistance of Jeremy to hold up plastic to protect the living room. I used texture from a can which I very much recommend, it was easy and it looks soooo good. Anyway now that I had initiated the finishing of the kitchen I got Jeremy to join in with me. We went to the hardware store, picked out paint, looked at new baseboard (because half the kitchen doesn't have any) and talked about re staining the cupboards. So on Tuesday when Jeremy had the night off we tackled half of our
kitchen. And I think it looks beautiful. We will be tackling the next half this coming Tuesday. When that is accomplished then all we will have left to do is the trim and someday in the future re staining/painting the cupboards.
In other news on Wednesday we bowl on a league. I'm not a great bowler by any means but we have a good time and I am improving. The last game of the week this week I managed to just be on fire and I bowled a 154 which is 64 points over average for me. I was pretty darn proud of myself. Well, I think that is about all the excitement we had this past week.
In other news on Wednesday we bowl on a league. I'm not a great bowler by any means but we have a good time and I am improving. The last game of the week this week I managed to just be on fire and I bowled a 154 which is 64 points over average for me. I was pretty darn proud of myself. Well, I think that is about all the excitement we had this past week.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just another week
Well, this week was nothing huge but still more exciting then a normal week at our house. On wednesday I went on a trip for work. We (my friend/coworker Jennifer and I) were going to Laramie but when we got to Rawlins the roads were closed and we ended up turing around and coming back. So then on Friday we tried again and this time we were successful at making it all the way. So after we did what we needed to for work we went to Chili's which I absolutely love and had an awsome lunch. The down side of all of this fun was not being able to see Jeremy. And then next week I am headed on a 3 day trip and will miss 1 of Jeremy's days off so that will be no fun. But next weeks trip is to Sheridan and that will be cool cuz I have never been there. As far as Jeremy I'm pretty sure he has had a fairly regular week but like I said we haven't seen much of each other. He has been working a lot of overtime lately so putting that and my out of town trips together it is more like I have a roommate then a husband. But as everyone keeps telling me this too shall pass.
Well now that I have chronicaled our totally boring lives I will be done. And maybe someday soon we can have something exciting to say.
Well now that I have chronicaled our totally boring lives I will be done. And maybe someday soon we can have something exciting to say.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Copy and paste the quiz to your blog and then fill in your own answers!It's fun!
Five names you go by:1) Samantha
2) Sam
3) Babe
4)Amanda (remember I work at a State Hospital)
5)Sabrina (see above ;)
Three things you are wearing right now:1) pants
2) shirt
3) wedding ring
Two things you want very badly at the moment: 1) to know what to do!
2) a different work schedule for my husband!
Three people who may fill this out: (I'm hoping everyone will)1) Kurt and Julie
2) Liza
3) ?
Two things you did last night:1) Went bowling
2) taught violin lessons
Two things you ate today:1) blueberry muffin
2) grilled chicken salad
People you last talked to on the phone:1) Jeremy
2) Pat or whoever the switch board opperator was...pretty sure it was him
Two things you are going to do (or already did) today:1) Work on progress notes
2) make chili
Two of the longest road trips:1) The pay it forward tour north dakota to DC
2) shelley to Grand forks North Dakota in one day
Three of your favorite beverages:1) Water
2) Jamba or any type of smoothie
3) Dr. Pepper
Five names you go by:1) Samantha
2) Sam
3) Babe
4)Amanda (remember I work at a State Hospital)
5)Sabrina (see above ;)
Three things you are wearing right now:1) pants
2) shirt
3) wedding ring
Two things you want very badly at the moment: 1) to know what to do!
2) a different work schedule for my husband!
Three people who may fill this out: (I'm hoping everyone will)1) Kurt and Julie
2) Liza
3) ?
Two things you did last night:1) Went bowling
2) taught violin lessons
Two things you ate today:1) blueberry muffin
2) grilled chicken salad
People you last talked to on the phone:1) Jeremy
2) Pat or whoever the switch board opperator was...pretty sure it was him
Two things you are going to do (or already did) today:1) Work on progress notes
2) make chili
Two of the longest road trips:1) The pay it forward tour north dakota to DC
2) shelley to Grand forks North Dakota in one day
Three of your favorite beverages:1) Water
2) Jamba or any type of smoothie
3) Dr. Pepper
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I have come to realize that nothing ever really changes here. So I have no idea what I will post about but Sara Kay told me that blogs are only fun to read if they are regularly up dated so I am updating. My sister recently moved in with us...about two weeks ago. A word of advice to anybody wondering....newly wed's should NOT take on a roommate. It is awkward to say the least. But it has been nice to see her every now and then although she is never home so the seeing is few and far between.
Well, since I have nothing interesting to say I should probably quit boring you and go make some supper.
Well, since I have nothing interesting to say I should probably quit boring you and go make some supper.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year!
Ok, so I'm a little late on the new years wish but 4 days isn't bad for a life time procrastinator. As the new year begins things are pretty much staying the course here at the Hill house. Jeremy is taking on some new responsibilities at work but more or less nothing is really changing. My job is just same old same old. Still working hard with people who don't even know they are getting therapy....ah what a rewarding job. LOL
We were able to go see my family in Idaho for New Years Eve. Thankfully the roads were clear and dry and we had a really good trip. We were spoiled by "Santa" and came home with quite a few fun things including some new Wii games and a deep fryer. We made it back to Evanston in time to celebrate "Times Square at Depot Square". Its a fun little town tradition where we have our own ball and fireworks show down in the center of town. We went last year and it was one of our first romantic dates so we now want to make a tradition of going as long as we live here in town. It was freezing outside, but totally worth it for the New Year mid night kiss.
Ok, so I'm a little late on the new years wish but 4 days isn't bad for a life time procrastinator. As the new year begins things are pretty much staying the course here at the Hill house. Jeremy is taking on some new responsibilities at work but more or less nothing is really changing. My job is just same old same old. Still working hard with people who don't even know they are getting therapy....ah what a rewarding job. LOL
We were able to go see my family in Idaho for New Years Eve. Thankfully the roads were clear and dry and we had a really good trip. We were spoiled by "Santa" and came home with quite a few fun things including some new Wii games and a deep fryer. We made it back to Evanston in time to celebrate "Times Square at Depot Square". Its a fun little town tradition where we have our own ball and fireworks show down in the center of town. We went last year and it was one of our first romantic dates so we now want to make a tradition of going as long as we live here in town. It was freezing outside, but totally worth it for the New Year mid night kiss.
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